Monday, June 11, 2018

Spain Itinerary

Spain Itinerary    
Hi friends! Long time, no blog. If you missed it, I spent the past few weeks exploring Europe, specifically Spain and Italy. While I was there, I had limited access to internet which is why you're getting these blog posts in a delayed fashion. This post covers where we went, what I wore, how we got there, plus some food and drink suggestions. I also want to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to ask away in the comments! We spent six days in Spain, all of them spent in Barcelona with the exception of one day trip. Tune in below to check out some of our must visits!

1. La Sagrada Familia
Fresh off the plane, Leon and I dragged our luggage to our hotel and dropped it off pre-check in just to head over to this magnificent church. One of Antoni Gaudí's most famous works, this building began construction in 1882 and is expected to be finished in 2026. You cannot imagine the grandiosity of this structure until you see it for yourself. The stained glass windows create a kaleidoscope effect inside as the sun sets that cannot be missed.
We got there by: Taxi

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You can use my code SHUCK15 for a discount on this watch!

2. Castell de Montjuïc and La Barceloneta

This was one of our favorite days of exploration. We truly loved La Barceloneta and its easy-going, beachy vibes. We first hopped on the cable cars over the Castell de Montjuïc, an impressive fortress built high on a mountaintop. There are two sets of cable cars that will take you to the top, get off at the first one and explore the gardens and fountains that lead up to the fortress (but be warned it is an uphill walk). Cable cars stop early, so be aware and arrive early enough to make it back on. 

Once your reach the bottom, the beach is right across the way. We instantly fell in love with the small tapas bars that spotted the coastline and the vendors that peddled mojitos and tapestries among the sunbathers. As you head back to the metro (which we took EVERYWHERE I cannot stress how easy it was) you might come across a fun pop-up farmers market. We found churros, craft beer and yummy sweets before heading home.
We got there by: Metro

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3. Park Güell and Bunkers Del Carmel

These are absolute MUSTS. Park Güell is famous for Gaudí's iconic works. You would probably recognize his serpentine tiled benches that overlook the city (notably featured in the Cheetah Girls 2). There's a catch: to get to the most famous areas, you have to pay and wait in line. Here's how to get around it: the park is free everywhere before 8 am and after 9:30 pm. Plan accordingly!

The bunkers are a small but unmissable part of Barcelona. Now just graffiti-covered ruins, they are home to many a picnic. Bring your own lunch and wine and sit among locals as they chat, skate and roller blade among the rubble. The view is unbeatable and the wildflowers are stunning. 
We got there by: Metro

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4. Tossa de Mar
This is the place that stole our hearts. Nestled somewhere between Barcelona and France in Costa Brava, Tossa de Mar is the most idyllic spanish town I could have imagined. We bought bus tickets a day in advance, although it is cheaper on certain days so keep that in mind! After an hour long ride, we were dropped in a small seaside town. We walked 15 minutes to a maze of small shops, gelato places and tapas restaurants that lined the beach. As you walk onto the sand you are met with booths selling tours on glass bottom boats. While we did not do those, they were very popular and looked amazing. A glance to your right will reveal a stunning castle bookending the beach. Not just a pretty sight, you can climb the winding ramp into the castle to reveal a perfect, ancient town. Filled with winding cobblestone streets, overflowing flowers, and intricate, colorful wooden doors. I was immediately in love. We spent hours wandering those streets, taking in stunning views of turquoise waters framed by bright yellow blooms. If you day trip anywhere from Barcelona, please, please, please let it be here.
We got there by: Sarfa Bus

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5. The Gothic Quarter
We visited the Gothic quarter to start of a 10 course tapas tour that I purchased Leon for his birthday. To keep it simple, the architecture and the history was amazing. It is a lovely place filled with quaint squares and churches. It is a lovely historical place in the middle of a bustling city.
We got there by: Walking

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6. Parc de la Ciutadella
This gorgeous park was not far from our hotel and was an obvious last stop on our trip. We stopped by a local market, picked up ham, cheese, fruits and soda and headed off. We stopped first at the Arc de Triomf, whose arch paves the pathway directly into the park. We wandered until we found the iconic fountain and sat down to enjoy our last meal in Spain. The fountain is stunning, more beautiful than any other I have ever seen. We could have spent all day staring at it, always finding new things. However, we chose to take a rowboat out onto the lake. Our last few hours in Barcelona were relaxing and wonderful.
We got there by: Walking

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Places to Eat and Drink
Teleferic Barcelona - Tapas and pinchos. Delicious, affordable and fun. Try the mojito!
The Alchemix - Our favorite stop! An alchemy themed restaurant and bar with delicious cocktails and amazing workers. We went 3 times in our 6 days!! Have Nacho make you a drink of his own creation.
La Boqueria - The famous marketplace along La Rambla. Go and snack on lots of different things!
Espit Chupitos - A fun bar that serves only shots. The wall is covered in different shot names with no explanation. Pick one and hope for the best!
Napar BCN - A fun steampunk themed restaurant. Tapas were delicious and drinks were STRONG. Order any drink and they'll bring the bottle and you get to say when they stop pouring!

Bling Bling - This is the club we went out to for Leon's birthday. It was a lot of fun! We showed up around 2 am and found quite the line but it moved fast. This is a great spot of you're looking for more locals and less tourists.

That's it for Spain! Once again, let me know if you have any questions. ¡Adios mis amigos!


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